Photo Galleries
I’ve always had a passion for photography, even from when I was a kid. My very first camera was an old German 127 roll film camera, followed by a digital Kodak c613. I still have those. This website started as a place to share my work, as photography was always something I deeply enjoyed and was passionate about. The business took precedence, but for those who want to peruse, I have linked the original gallery pages down below. I do shoot digital here and there, but much prefer to work with film. It is a medium that I feel gives the photographer more control, and more satisfaction. I have a darkroom in the basement, and occasionally enjoy making contact sheets and black and white prints.
For 35mm, I love my Nikon F3, an amazingly robust camera with everything you need and nothing you don’t. All the great settings for any type of photo, and none of the annoying menus to get to them.
For medium format, my Hasselblad 500cm has only sometimes let me down. Can’t blame it, it is literally crumbling on the inside, but good Hasselblad’s are expensive, and this one is serving me plenty well. I also use it to shoot digital images.
Photos on their own are $50 full res, no restrictions on use so long as there’s credit, no advertising (discuss with me separately)
The social links at the bottom of the page show more!
Photo Journals