
Typewriters, typewriter products, photographic gear, prints, and parts. Anything analogue, and/or cool.

Questions? Contact me at

  • Ribbons are consumable and all sales are final. Please notify me via email or letter if there is an issue with your order. I will either partially or fully refund, or replace missing or defective product. Everything is checked before it goes out. Have your order number handy!

    Typewriter Returns to be determined case by case, contact me with issues.

  • Your Typewriter is guaranteed for ninety days from the date of pickup or receipt and if presented within ninety days. It will be fully working, and adjusted within factory specifications, as well as fully cleaned. Any part or parts which may become unserviceable through ordinary wear and not through accident, misuse, or neglect will be replaced and any necessary adjustments made without charge. This guarantee does not include cylinder, ribbons, or cleaning.

  • Your personal customer information is always kept safe, anonymous, and secure. It is never shared with any third party organizations/advertisers or individuals other than shipping services. It will never be sold to advertisers, or given away for free. It will also not be held for ransom in an attempt to acquire vanilla milkshakes (which are the best kind).