What is the best beginner typewriter?
How to get started on your typewriting journey and other fun facts.
Fun fact: typewriters write by typing.
Now that we got that out of the way, I’m often asked what the best beginner typewriters are. I think I should start by getting the cheap, yet topical, answer out of the way first. The best typewriter you can use is the first working typewriter you can get your hands on. Having a typewriter will always be better than not having a typewriter, unless you are allergic to them which would be a medical anomaly and you should probably go get that checked out.
For those in America, I would heartily recommend taking a look at the mid-century Smith Corona models. These are the 5 and 6 series portable machines, and they check off some of the most important boxes. They are cheap, robust, reliable, and decently sized. I’d add a picture if I could figure out how. I’m smart, but admittedly not that smart. For those in Europe, you can add the Olympia SM series to your list of things you do better than Americans, like measuring stuff.
If you are looking to nail down a machine that suits you a little better, there are two major types of typewriters (see what I did there? I used the word type…nevermind, explaining it always ruins the joke). Manual, and Electric. The biggest difference between these two machines is that one is manual, and the other is electric. If you don’t want to be tethered to a wall socket, portable generator, or solar farm, then I’d recommend going off-grid with the stylish yet rugged manual version of this classic creation station. The benefit of electric usually comes down to ease of use. If you have weak fingers, don’t be embarrassed. An electric typewriter will ensure that you never build any impressive or notable finger strength.
Typewriters can be broken down into one more split: desktop and portable. Desktop typewriters, often referred to as “standard” typewriters, are large hunky beasts designed to do the best possible typing a typewriter could type. They are the best machines for long writing sessions and professional quality work, and usually weigh a crapton (technical term equal to about 2000 crappounds). These machines are designed to sit in one spot and not move around. My best recommendation for a desktop electric is the IBM Selectric. For manuals, it is the Royal FP. Other popular desktops include the Underwood 5 and the Olympia SG1. It is hard to go wrong with desktop machines, but I personally tend to avoid Smith Corona (or the older LC Smiths), Remington, and Woodstock. They tend to be a little finicky and hard to repair.
Portable typewriters can also be broken down into two categories (I keep doing this, I know. Last one, promise). There are midsized portable machines that come in a nice carrying case, and there are ultraportable machines that come in a nice carrying case. Mid-sized machines are the most popular typewriters, and make up about 90% of the machines you will find out and about in the wild. My best recommendations were made at the beginning of this post, but I will also mention the 1930s Royal Portables, the German made Erika 5 and Model M, and the Remington 5 series. Ultraportables are a little smaller, and usually not as comfortable to type on. My best recommendation is the Groma Kolibri, or the popular recommendation of the Smith Corona Skyriter.
Fun Fact: the leader of the North Vietnamese Communist Party used a skyriter.
Regardless of what machine you end up with, make sure you use it! My final recommendation is to get your machine serviced, or buy from a reputable typewriter dealer.