SOLD Olympia SM3 (1950s)

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This is the famed Olympia SM3, third in line of Olympia’s SM series, and not to be thought little of by their small stature. These machines are known to be some of the smoothest writers ever built, and come equipped with a touch dial to fine tune to the users preferences. Each key is spring cushioned for comfort, and the return is gloriously silent. Fine German engineering meets classic yet modern design to create a truly amazing machine.

This particular model features the dark brown QWERTY keyboard with a crinkle green finish and chrome bands. The machine comes with a brand new two color ribbon, and types a fine and crisp 11 pitch Elite. It has been cleaned, adjusted, and professionally serviced to create a truly long lasting and robust product. The typewriter also comes with the original carrying case which is also in good shape. Contact me for more info or photos at

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